Monday, September 19, 2011

Mom Needs Some Ear Plugs

Mike decided to surprise Kenneth with a drum set.
He is so very, very excited!!
I am happy for him.
I think I am going to have to invest in some good earplugs :)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

First Football Game of the Season

Kenneth's team had their first game tonight. It was interesting.
Here they are coming onto the field. He is number 41.

They got some good warm up time in. I thought it was so funny that every time I snapped a picture he was facing the opposite direction of everyone else on his line.

During the 4th qtr. they needed a kicker since the normal kicker was hurt. The coach looked at Kenneth and said .... he plays soccer...he can kick!
Umm....Yeah......drop kicking a soccer ball is very different!!
Kenneth jumped on the chance to do it, even though he really didn't know what he was doing. Let's just say, he needs a lot more practice if he wants to be a kicker in the future :)
This was right after the kick.

Going into the 4th qtr. the score was 32 to 0. We were zero...that's right a big ole goose egg.
The coaches finally started putting some different boys in that hadn't had a chance to play the entire game (including Kenneth). They scored 4 touchdowns in the 4th qtr!!!
I hope the coaches realize that they have some talented boys and they deserve more time on the field.
Here he is on the sidelines, cheering his team on.

I realized that sitting on a hard bleacher for 3 hours was not my idea of fun.
I also found out that since he is playing high school ball now, parents get to pay to watch their kids play!
However, watching Kenneth play for a total of 90 seconds during the entire game was worth the whole wait!